Education - SMS sending use cases for education.
Use SMS for emergency notifications with excellent open rates:
Bulk SMS makes contacting parents easier and is more reliable than email.
Dear students and parents,
due to the typhoon, classes
will be cancelled on
Thursday October 12th.
Notify parents of class cancellations
- It is important to notify parents right away of important notifications such as school cancellations and early dismissals due to weather or natural disasters. By using EZSMS you can notify parents about school cancellations by text from your PC.
- Because 97% of SMS messages are opened within 3 minutes of receiving, you can be sure that parents don’t miss these important notifications and you won’t have to call them one by one, which saves time.
Dear students and parents,
this is a reminder that the
tuition fees are due by
November 30th. Read more:
Remind parents of tuition due dates and other school-related fees
- For both the school and the parents it’s important that tuition and other fees such as school lunch expenses, school trip reserve funds are paid on time. Though emails can easily be overlooked, parents will see your SMS message and take action quickly. Set one or several reminders to go out before the due date to reduce the number of late payments.
Dear students and parents,
you can pick up your school
uniform on Thursday
October 10th, at 10AM
in classroom 2B.
More information:
Notify parents of school events
- You can also remind parents about important school events such as:
1. Uniform pickup
2. Books pickup
3. Medical check-up
4. Appointments with teachers
5. Sports day
6. Graduation ceremony
You can include a link to the website of your school withmore information about the event for example what students need to bring on the day of the event.
Dear students and parents,
you can now view the results
of your health check at the
school’s website:
Semi-individual notifications
- With EZSMS’ customizeable SMS sending feature you can also easily create lists and send SMS messages to individuals or groups. This is a useful feature for sending notifications for overdue applications, overdue payments, PTA-special member notifications, scholarship-students notifications, medical-check-up results and more.
EZSMS offers solutions for diverse industries
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Read the following pages to find out more about:

Simple web SMS Sending
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Customized SMS Sending
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Automated call replies
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K-Premium Service
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